The good, hard and even sad days of motherhood are inevitable. Each stage of this journey comes with its unique challenges. Whether you are a first-time mom, stay-at-home mom, or working mom tough days will be had. Every mom needs affirmations in her tool kit.

As a work-from-home mom, myself, there have been many questionable days of me chasing my child around the house as he refuses to put on a diaper, and I, who has yet to shower, am I supposed to “jump” on a Zoom meeting in five minutes.
Amidst the chaos swirling, I ask my son out of frustration, “why are you doing this to me?” As though he was being a two-year-old on purpose.
It is in these moments that I have learned to use positive affirmations. Because words matter. Positive words are powerful and have the ability to alter your thinking and mood.
Instead of wondering how I can be a better mom or questioning why my child is trying to sabotage my day, I tell myself positive statements.
I affirm that I am a great mom and remind myself that I am here to guide my child through his day and empower him to be a loving human being.
Motherhood is hard. There are so many opportunities during the day for negative thoughts to creep in and take over our mental health and wellbeing.
The good news is the positive impact of affirmations is easily attainable for anyone.
What are Positive Affirmations?
Positive affirmations are phrases or positive statements you say to yourself, either out loud or in your head to affirm yourself, particularly during times of stress or challenges.
The mind works in a powerful way. What you tell it, it believes. When we tell ourselves affirmations we wire our subconscious mind to believe these statements.
The positive impact of daily affirmations can lead to amazing things such as lower anxiety and stress, and overall improved mood and productivity.
How to Practice Positive Affirmations
Simple steps to incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routines.
- Focusing on the area of your life that you would like to dedicate the positive statement to and pick an affirmation that resonates for you. Affirmations speak differently to different people based on what they need at that moment.
- Choose affirmations that are in the present tense
- Write down the short statement/phrase on a piece of paper.
- You can start by standing in front of a mirror and saying the statement aloud three times. I put the statement on apost-it and stick it to my bathroom mirror. It is the first thing I see in the morning.
- Practice saying your affirmation twice a day, in the morning and at the end of the day
- Refer to your affirmations throughout the day when needed
- Be patient. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Affirmations are rewiring the way you think. Give it time to form.
Positive Mom Affirmations
Daily positive affirmations are a great way to empower your motherhood journey. Learning how to practice affirmations is the best way for any mom to combat the daily stressors of raising sweet little ones.
Affirmations are like a secret superpower that no one can take away from you.
They are one of the most powerful tools you can use during a hard time to guide you toward positive thoughts.
Once you learn how to create a positive mindset, you are able to gain perspectives, confidence, awareness and insights into the given moment.
The chaos subsides, the tough times no longer seem endless and you are able to see clearly with a positive attitude.
You are a good mom. You have the clarity to know that a bad day does not make you a bad mom.
Consider affirmations as a necessity for your self-care.
There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.
Jill Churchill
Affirmations for Every Mom
Wherever you are in your motherhood journey, all moms can benefit from affirmations. Good things come from positive phrases.

- Today and every day, I am enough
- I am exactly what my child needs
- I will ask for help when I need it
- This too shall pass
- I am beautiful
- I am loved and I am love
- I am doing an amazing job
- I am patient and I am strong
- I exude peace, safety and strength
- One bad moment does not define my day
- I am a positive role model for my children
- I grow with my child each day
- I learn from my child as much as my child learns from me
- I am teaching my children how to navigate life’s challenges
- I am exactly what my child needs
- I guide my child with love and understanding
- I will work hard to support my family
- I will let go of unrealistic expectations
- I am perfectly healthy in my body, mind and spirit
- There is peace and love in my home, even in the midst of chaos
- I will take good care of myself so I can take good care of my family
- Love surrounds me
- Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas
- I grant myself grace in this moment
- Today and everyday I am enough
- I can handle today’s challenges
- I deserve self care
- I will bend so I don’t break
- I will talk about myself the way I would a best friend
- I love myself unconditionally

- I am patient and loving toward myself
- I create order in my family’s life
- I grow with my child every day
- Everything is exactly the way it needs to be in order to learn the lessons I need to learn the most
- I am unwavering in my love for my children
- Today may be difficult, but the struggles are only temporary
- In this present moment, I am loved
- I am powerful beyond measure
- I have everything I need to be the best mother to my children
- My family appreciates and loves me even when they forget to tell me
- I am grateful
- I am blessed
- I honor my past, my present and my future
- It is going to be okay
- I am giving my child the best possible future
- I give out of the abundance of love and care that I have for myself
- I am important in the lives of my children
- I become a more confident mother with each new day
- I set a positive atmosphere in my home for my children to thrive
- I am an amazing mother
- I am adored, loved and appreciated by my children
- Each day is a new opportunity to grow
- I have a wonderful life
- I grow with my child each day
- I show my children how to advocate for kindness and justice

- I am my child’s lifelong teacher
- I take good care of my body
- I am worthy of love
- I radiate beauty and grace
- I love and accept myself exactly as I am
- I grow in wisdom each day
- All is well. They are well and I am well
- Mistakes and setbacks are stepping stones in my motherhood journey because I learn from them.
- I embrace the here and now
- Today I will love fiercely, laugh freely and live courageously. I can never get today back.
- I forgive those who have harmed me in my past and peacefully detach from them.
- I am a place of refuge and solace for my children
- By allowing myself to be happy, I inspire my family to be happy
- I am a great mom
- I am a capable mother
- A river of compassion washes away my anger and replaces it with love
Affirmations for the Stay-at-Home Mom

- I am a positive role model for my children
- I am present with my children
- I find joy in the mundane
- Each new day is an opportunity to set positive routines and habits
- I enjoy laughing and playing with my children
- I am creating positive, lifelong memories and experiences with my child
- My home is a safe place full of love and understanding
- Today I will let go of old habits and create healthy new ones
- I am calm in moments of chaos
- Chores are not as important as this passing moment
- A tough day does not define my week
- I am worthy of love
- I am thankful for today
- I am loved and appreciated by everyone around me
- I am grateful to learn from my children
- I am a blessing to my children

- I find joy in every situation
- I am blessed to spend quality time with my children
- Today, we will learn and grow together
- My family has everything we need
- I am valued in and out of my home
- I have enough patience for my children today
- Everything happens for a reason
- I have everything I need to be the best mom to my children
- I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents.
- My thoughts are filled with positivity and my life is plentiful with prosperity.
- I deserve time to relax
- I am creating a legacy of love
- I am an intentional parent
- Providing a home full of love and kindness is my top priority
- I have boundless energy
- This is a moment of motherhood in my life as a mother
Affirmations for New Moms
Welcoming a new being into your world is such a beautiful time for you and your family. With a new baby comes a new set of “norms” which can be a challenging time for your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Positive affirmations are a powerful way for many new moms who may be experiencing postpartum depression to combat anxiety and negative thoughts.
There is such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation.
Pamela S. Nadav
- My body is beautiful
- I trust my maternal intuition
- I take care of myself in order to be a good mother
- Motherhood reveals my strengths
- Every day I become more like myself
- I cherish this first year for I know it will go fast
- I have everything I need
- I am learning with my child, we are growing together
- Mistakes are stepping stones
- There is no such thing as a perfect mom
- I am perfectly imperfect
- We are becoming a family together
- I am brave
- I take time to rest
- I provide my body with the healthy nutrients
- I honor myself when I honor my feelings
- It is okay to cry at this moment
- I listen to myself, my body, and my needs
- It is okay to say no
- I gain confidence as a mother every day
- I am experiencing the world through a new lens
- My fears of the unknown are melting away
- I am okay with not having all of the answers
- I remain calm in stressful situations
- I can find joy and laughter in the chaos
- My self-care is a necessity, not a luxury
- I accept the help of others
- I am doing the best I can
- I am emotional and that is okay
- I have learned many things, I can learn to be a mother
- Difficult times do not define my motherhood journey
- I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of ever-changing life (Louise Hay)
In my own experience, using positive self-talk has gotten me through many hard days. Your motherhood journey is a beautiful one and you are defining it every day.
Affirm it every day with the power of affirmations.
Affirmations are your secret superpower and no one can take them away from you.
Are there any mom affirmations not on this list that resonate for you? Share a whisper in the comments below, I’d love to know!
Have you started building your Self-Care Tool Kit? Be sure to include mom affirmations!
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