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Guide To The Wellness Of Motherhood

relaxing self care with book and candles for motherhood wellness

Using this guide as you explore the wellness of motherhood, to understand and incorporate wellness into your everyday life, will serve you in unimaginable ways.

The Guide to Wellness

So much is asked of us women during pregnancy and motherhood. Our bodies are literally transformed into a machine. This machine creates and then cares for another human being. It is easy to lose your sense of self in it all.


I have spent the majority of my first pregnancy in quarantine, during a world pandemic. The pregnancy I envisioned, before the pandemic, was me surrounded by family and friends. I was going to visit all of the museums in Los Angeles. And once there, I would spend my time looking at various pieces of art and anticipate my baby’s kicks to communicate his enjoyment of a particular artist. All of the prenatal yoga classes were on my radar. I was excited to meet my new tribe of expectant mothers in birthing classes. This new tribe would be my community for years to come. Together we would navigate motherhood.


A pandemic while pregnant can be a very lonely place. I had to adjust to “seeing” my family and friends over Zoom. I haven’t stepped foot in a museum in over 5 months. The prenatal classes were over YouTube. And I met my birthing class community virtually from the comfort of my own home. Realistically, I will never see them again.

This pandemic has taught and challenged me to pivot and be open to change. The time has demanded of me to look inward and be comfortable with the unknown. Needless to say, it provided a lot of bonding time between my baby, husband and I.

My greatest takeaway is that this time led me to what I already knew, but in normal times most likely would have overlooked as I would have been too caught up and busy. The wellness of motherhood begins during pregnancy. The physical, mental and spiritual health of me is vital to not just my baby but to the next phase that I am about to enter.

What is Wellness?

According to the World Health Organization, “Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” To take it a step further, wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. It is embracing and recognizing change and growth within and around.

Wellness is often thought of in terms of one’s physical health. I am not sick, so I am well. I eat good food and exercise so therefore I am in shape and I am well. But when looking at wellness in a holistic manner we discover that it is so much more. It encompasses and embraces all of you. The whole (you) is equal to the sum of its parts. You must not discount your spiritual and mental wellbeing. In addition, you must take care of and honor your surroundings and environment as they too serve you.

The whole is equal to the sum of its parts. To think about this again. For me, it is an invitation, a reminder, to embrace and nurture all aspects of myself. And to know that when I do this when I put my energy towards this holistic living, I am allowing space within myself to accept the offerings of my surroundings. In other words, I hear the whispers of the Universe more clearly.

Understanding the 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Wellness encompasses 8 mutually interdependent dimensions: physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, vocational, financial, and environmental. Each dimension is dependent on the other and when given attention, collectively, they operate like a well-oiled machine. As a result, once you incorporate all of these into your lifestyle, you will see how these will serve you in living the wellness of motherhood.

Physical Dimension

Taking care of your physical body through physical activity and nutrition.

Intellectual Dimension

We never stop learning and growing intellectually. Because of this, fueling your curiosity and challenging yourself to learn new skills will serve your intellectual wellbeing.

Emotional Dimension

Checking in with yourself emotionally is essential to understanding and respecting your emotional state. Practicing self-care and learning ways to cope with stressors. Knowing when to ask for help and granting grace upon yourself when needed. Honoring yourself, your feelings, and showing up authentically in your relationships with others.

Social Dimension

Who makes up your world, your community, your tribe? Sustaining these healthy relationships and relying on them when needed will deeply fuel and recharge you. Giving back to your community as well as allowing others to give and care for you are equally important.

Spiritual Dimension

Maintaining meaning and purpose in your life that is based on your values and beliefs. The activities you participate in are consistent and reflective of these values and beliefs. Connecting mind, body, and soul.

Vocational Dimension

Your work provides a sense of satisfaction and it aligns with your values, beliefs, and goals. Leaning into knowing that you add value to the work you are doing.

Financial Dimension

Having a healthy relationship with money is important as it can be the cause for so many stressors in our other dimensions. Therefore, learning new skills to manage your resources and make informed financial decisions can be the foundation for financial freedom. In addition, having a healthy relationship with money releases yourself from the burden of Keeping Up with the Joneses (or Kardashians, smh.) To sum it all up, the financial journey is a personal one and it’s important to recognize that we are each treading our own path with our own unique circumstances, values and needs.

Environmental Dimension

Your life and lifestyle are an extension of your environment and surroundings. Therefore, respecting the offerings of the earth and taking care of the planet serves us in unsurmountable ways. We are a reflection of our environment: social, natural, and the built environment. Each must be maintained as they greatly affect our health and well-being.

Tips for Maintaining Your Wellness

Common Questions/FAQ About Wellness

How do you manage environmental wellness?

Is spiritual wellness speaking about religion?

How do you integrate wellness with motherhood?

Financial wellness is feeling overwhelming?

Last Thoughts on the Guide to the Wellness of Motherhood

I’d love to know what works for you on your wellness journey? Drop a line in the comments below!

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