Getting to the end of my days questioning how did I get here?, is never a good feeling. I asked myself this question more times than I can remember. It wasn’t until I started incorporating these energy boosting habits into my day that I began feeling more settled and centered.
Mommying is hard. The days are so long but oddly go so fast. It is a conundrum I am still trying to wrap my mind around. Waking up at the crack of dawn and being in constant motion until evening can be extremely draining. I often found myself depleted by 3pm, just churning along to get to the end of the day, only to go to bed, wake up and do it all over again the next day.
Easy Energy Boosting Habits to Start Today
Now this is a cycle that will eat you up alive! Flip you upside down and shake you until every last drop of what you have to give drips out. (I’m referring to our well here). We must replenish our well so that we have what is needed to give and provide for our loved ones.
Luckily, this depleting cycle can be broken. Here are some easy and natural energy boosting habits that you can start incorporating into your day.
Get Outside
Scheduling in some outdoor time during the day is an instant pick me up! Take the kids out for a stroller walk around the neighborhood or simply sit at a park. The fresh air will revitalize you.
Research at the University of Rochester found that 90% of people experience increased energy when outdoors. Try to set at least 10 minutes of your day aside for a quick outdoor jaunt. Even a brisk walk around the block will give you a boost.
Drink Lots of Water

The benefits of drinking water are endless. Our bodies are made up of 60% water and is the catalyst for proper blood flow. One of the side effects when our bodies do not get enough water is low energy and sluggishness. We operate at high capacity when we give our bodies everything it needs to work smoothly. If you are feeling low energy or sluggish through the day, drink a nice big cup of water. You will feel the benefits almost immediately.
Is drinking water throughout the day a habit that you are not used to doing? Check out my post on creative ways to drink more water throughout your day. Luckily, it’s an easy habit to tap into and the benefits are oh so good.
RELATED: 8 Tips to Drink More Water
Have Energizing Snacks on Hand
Fill your cupboards and refrigerator with go to healthy snacks that are high in protein and good fats which will energize you. When you have healthy snacks on hand you will get in the habit of relying on these rather than processed foods and heavy carbs which suck your energy.

Some quick snack ideas are:
- Almonds
- Avocado
- Boiled Eggs
- Protein Balls
- Turkey and Cheese Roll Ups
- Smoothies
- Veggies and Hummus
- Cheese Slices
- Chia Seed Pudding
Get Moving
Get to moving your body. Whether it be a full workout during the day, a walk outside, or a yoga session, find a way to move your body for 20-30 minutes a day. It is so important to get the blood circulating and heart rate up. Sometimes the best thing I can do for myself when I feel low energy is to just move!
Mid-Day Check In
Schedule into your day a mid-day check in with yourself. When you are looking after your kids all day, while managing to keep up with other obligations such as work and household requirements, who is looking after you? So be your own boss, your own best friend in this situation and give yourself a mid-day check in.
For me, this is a moment to reflect on what is going well and what isn’t. A pause if you will to stop that hamster wheel and regroup with myself.
Doing this check in allows me to remain intentional with my day. If I do it early enough in the afternoon it allows me to redirect the course of the day if somethings are not going as planned… which is often.
Say No

Get in the habit of establishing boundaries and protecting your commitments. It is okay to say no. Doing so will provide the space needed to say yes to what you really want.
Over committing ourselves and constantly having to “show up” is an unsustainable ask to put on yourself. Sometimes we commit ourselves to something out of habit. Work on being intentional about where you decide to put your effort and time.
It takes some getting used to but eventually you won’t think twice about saying no being an energy boosting habit, but it is and it will feel good!
Take 5 or 10

Nap when your child nap sounds so lovely and when I have the luxury to do it, then I get it. However, I often don’t. This is where I learned to take sips of “rest”. It amazes me what just 5 or 10 minutes of doing nothing can do.
I can’t always afford a sleep during every nap time, but I can sneak 5 or 10 minutes of pure silence.
Challenge Yourself to Try These Energy Boosting Habits
Challenge yourself to intentionally change things up.
If any of these energy boosting habits resonate with you, add it into your to do list, incorporate it into your routine and make note of how you feel by the end of the day. Your body will slowly start to respond and your energy will rise!
What are some energy boosting habits that you do? Drop a whisper in the comments below. I’d love to know!
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