Help Increase Your Milk Supply
Are you looking for ways to increase your milk supply? Breastfeeding is one of the most demanding things your body does throughout the day. If you are exclusively breastfeeding, whether nursing or pumping, you are burning approximately 500 calories a day! It takes a lot for our bodies, the well-oiled machines that they are, to produce milk.
Give Yourself What is Needed
I gotta tell ya, there is little more stressful than my baby kicking and screaming during a feed because he is not getting enough milk. I liken it to driving on the highway as the gaslight comes on and praying for a gas station at the next exit.
3 out of every 4 new moms in the United States start out breastfeeding. However, for a number of reasons, many stop within the first few months. A common reason is the frustration of the journey and the uncertainty of providing enough milk for the baby.
The best thing we can do for our bodies, as breastfeeding mothers, is to provide ourselves with the essential nutrients needed to support milk production.
And there are specific foods that will do just that!
RELATED: 8 Products to Help Your Breastfeeding Journey
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What are the Best Foods to Increase Milk Supply?

During pregnancy, it is easy to say “I’m eating for two”. But rarely do I hear that postpartum, when if you are breastfeeding, that is exactly what you are doing!
As a breastfeeding mama, everything you eat is literally aiding the production of your breastmilk. Therefore, it is essential to get the nutrients you and your baby need. And even better to also focus on the foods that will increase the milk supply.
Oatmeal is rich in iron, high in fiber and is a complex carb that will leave you feeling fuller longer because it is slow to digest.
It is also a great breakfast option (quick oats are okay but not the instant oats as they are full of sugars and salt). You can add dried fruits and nuts such as raisins and walnuts or almonds. I love to top mine off with some agave and chia seeds. Yuuumm!
Barley, like oatmeal, is a complex carbohydrate. It has a high concentration of beta-glucan which is known to increase the breastfeeding hormone prolactin.
Barley is great to add to soups, stews or salads.
Brewer’s Yeast
Brewer’s Yeast is a no joke when it comes to aiding in the milk supply. It is great to add to smoothies or baked recipes. Many delicious lactation cookies include Brewer’s Yeast.
Whenever I notice a dip in my supply, I make and happily indulge in these lactation cookies and my supply goes back up.
Brewer’s Yeast can be hard to find depending on where you live but you can readily get it online.
Sweet Potatoes
This delicious veggie is a complex carb and a great source of vitamin A, C, and potassium. Adding it to your diet now will increase milk supply and is a great way to get these nutrients to your baby.
High in beta carotene and vitamin B6, carrots are not only great for you but also for your babe too!
Sliced carrots with hummus is a perfect snack to have on hand or a glass of carrot juice are great ways to check this one off the list.
Dark Leafy Greens
Eat your veggies, girl! Kale, spinach, collard, and broccoli are high in calcium, Iron, vitamins K, A, and folate, all of which will aid in the production of your supply.

Beans and Legumes
Rich in protein, iron, and fiber, you can’t go wrong with adding beans and legumes to your breastfeeding diet. In addition, they contain phytochemicals which not only improve your immune system but also increase milk supply.
Almonds are a great source of protein and vitamins and are also a known galactagogue.
Water Intake to Increase Milk Supply
80% of breastmilk is water. Therefore, if you don’t drink enough water you will become dehydrated. When you are dehydrated you will produce less milk. A good baseline is to drink half of your body weight in ounces.
Look for ways to drink more water throughout your day. A good tip is to always have a water bottle with you on hand.
RELATED: 8 Best Tips to Drink More Water
Fenugreek is a herb that contains phytoestrogen. It has been studied and is widely known to increase the milk supply. Many mothers swear by and rely on it during their breastfeeding journey.
Fenugreek can often be found in lactation teas or in pill form.
Grant Yourself Grace

However long you end up breastfeeding, know the journey is worth it. Double down on the things that work for you. Lean into your community and know that, yes, it may be hard but it is also rewarding on the other side.
I’d love to know what foods have worked to increase your milk supply? Any whispers to share? Drop a line in the comments below!

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